Záverečná konferencia projektu DRAGON

Projekt DRAGON - obnova západného paláca sa blíži k svojmu záveru. Prezentovanie výsledkov stavebnej činnosti, ale aj rôznych drobných sprievodných aktivít projektu a samotnej expozície budeme počas záverečnej konferencie dňa 23.11.2023 v priestoroch západného paláca v rytierskej sále.

The municipality of Beckov

cordially invites you to the final conference of project “Do reconstruction authentically and go on” (acronym DRAGON).  

The conference will take place on 23rd of November 2023 from 9:30 to 12:30 in the knights´ hall of castle Beckov.

This event is funded by the Financial mechanism of European Economic Area and the state budget of Slovak Republic within the programme of “Cultural Entrepreneurship, Cultural Heritage and Cultural Cooperation”.

More information about the project: www.obec-beckov.sk/sk/hrad.

The goal of project DRAGON was a historical restoration and interior furnishings of the western palace of castle Beckov, including cultural, creative, educational, and marketing activities.

Conference programme:

Conference opening

Ernest Benko, mayor, recipient of the grant (5 min, speech)

Hana Tasler Goldschmidt, Grant Counsellor, Norwegian Embassy in Vienna (5 min, speech)

MIRRI SR, EEA and Norway Grants Department (5 min, speech)

Johan Barstad and Rhys Evans, Norwegian university Høgskulen for landbruk og bygdeutvikling – HGuT (15 min, paper)

Slovak partners of the project:

Pavol Balžanka, chairman of The association of Historic Towns and Villages of the Slovak Republic (5 min, speech)

Oľga Ilenčíková, headmistress of Vocational secondary school Nové mesto nad Váhom (5 min, speech)

Jozef Múdry, deputy director KPU Trenčín: “Methodology of restoration of the western palace of Beckov Castle” (10 min, paper)

Martin Bóna, “Architectural-historical research of the western palace and methodical proposal of its restoration” (15 min, paper)

Tomáš Michalík, expert consultant of the project DRAGON, “Exposition from the content point of view, a short excursion into history” (15 min, paper)

Lucia Stanková, UTAI, Implementation of the exposition (15 min, paper)

Peter Pastier, director of castle Beckov, “The intentions, outputs and expectations of the project DRAGON (15 min, paper)

Guided tour of the western palace (35 min)

Refreshments and discussion

jpgProgram záverečnej konferencie

Thank you

The DRAGON project received a grant from the EEA and Norway and the state budget of the Slovak Republic for the restoration of the western palace and interior equipment in the amount of €983,557. The goal of the project is to bring the West Palace and the entire area into a form that will respect and emphasize the preserved historical values from the High Gothic and Renaissance periods.

To learn more about the programs and projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants in Slovakia visit www.eeagrants.sk or www.norwaygrants.sk. For general information on all international projects, visit www.eeagrants.org.